5 thoughts on “Which is valuable for chalcedony agate”

  1. Agate is obviously more valuable, and agate belongs to one of the chalcedony. Both of the chemical components are silicon, which belongs to ultra -micro -crystals or hidden micro -crystals. The price of chalcedony jewelry including chalcedony cranes and rings is not high as a whole. The price is mostly hundreds of yuan, and the material is almost tens of yuan. The price of agate is generally higher than the chalcedony. The market price of ordinary agate is hundreds of yuan, and the most expensive red Warring States Period in the agate can sell for thousands of yuan. The difference between chalcedony and agate lies in the stripes inside, with concentric circular stripes inside is agate, and no one is chalcedony.

  2. I really ca n’t see the answer of the foreigner, and I can reply to the jewelry without understanding.
    The price of agate is undoubtedly higher than the chalcedony. In terms of texture, it belongs to quartz rock quality jade. From the perspective of large categories, chalcedony is a type of agate. It belongs to the lowest agate category. Compared with high -end agate (such as southern red agate, purple green agate, etc.), the value and price are relatively low.
    The characteristic of chalcedony is that the sense of transparency is good, and it is very similar to the jadeite. Some people are worn as ice -breed emerald, but as long as you have a little understanding of jewelry ∩) O.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer I organize the text, please wait a bitnThe relationship between chalcedony and jade in the broadest jade is the same as the relationship between apples and fruits. There is no way to say which is valuable in the jade oligosa in the jade. For example, the more valuable chalcedony such as waterweed chalcedony, strange stone chalcedony, and pure natural color of blue chalcedony is not valuable because of the large amount.nThe reasons for the is not valuable in chalcedony. The existence is large. The global continents are produced. It is produced in various provinces in the country. It is said that the per capita reserves of the world are about 30 tons. Second, it is not worthless. There are hundreds of millions of strange stones, and there are many millions of millions of millions. The boutique chalcedony market is very large.nAsk the green value of the greennHow to arguenAnswer 1. Observing its "ice" really chalcedony bracelet with a cold and lubricating feeling. It has a fresh and refined aura with my eyes. It seems that it can purify the inner desire and impetuous mentality. The fake chalcedony bracelet has its own table and cannot really move people's hearts. 2. Watch its "Run" really chalcedony bracelet water head and feet, crystal clear, giving people a sense of water spirit, and fake chalcedony bracelets may contain more water heads, but it will not give people a kind of water spirit spirit. The feeling of spirit. 3. Observing its "transparent" true chalcedony bracelets will present a uniform transparent shape, with crystal clear and visual feelings, and fake chalcedony bracelets are transparent, but they are not uniform enough. Deep feeling. 4. Looking at the "bright" point of view, the true chalcedony bracelet is beautiful, full of strong infectious and vitality, and the luster of the fake chalcedony bracelets will not give people a strong infectious power. 5. A magnifying glass observation method can observe the chalcedony bracelet by magnifying the mirror. In those more than ten times the magnifying glass multiple, the chalcedony bracelets of the impurities, cracks, and defects of the chalcedony are often real and excellent.n4 morenBleak

  4. Pay content for time limit to check for freenThe answer is very happy to serve you, please wait a little bitnChaylal carvings are more common in the domestic art market. The market generally screams around 500 yuan; exceeding this price, the market can be supplied in large quantities; common illegal merchants in the market, holding this, impersonating high -end jade stones Variety jade carving pieces, high -priced sales, be sure to pay attention to distinguish; you can be a variety collectionnI hope my answer can help you, I wish you a happy lifenThere is a kind of care, it's cold, don't freeze. There is a kind of waiting for you to wait for you to wait for so long. There is a kind of torment, called the sun and night thinking. There is a kind of love, forever, never separate. There are too many things in the world. Although it is ruthless, but because of you. Do not leave, true love forever!nMore 2nBleak

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