3 thoughts on “Is there a place where Shenyang or Dalian has wholesale Korean daily necessities?”

  1. Daily necessities go to the two -seven Wenzhou City `Many Koreans open a lot of shops or big vegetable markets can also have everything. Of course, it is best to find a Korean person to go to`
    : 203, 708, 710, 534, 31, 402, 11, etc.
    Daisai market: Dalian Railway Station `to ask that inquiries

  2. All of them! Many fakes! I went back to South Korea and looked at them. They were processed in China, and some South Korea had never been released at all! Can I use what is sold in Da Cai City, Wenzhou City? No wonder foreign people say that Chinese people have a low quality of life, and there is also a Korean supermarket like Jiazhou. It can be seen in many stalls in South Korea. It ’s really no conscience to get rid of our Chinese people! Still expensive! You go down to Dalian Hongfu Building, you can still use it, follow the train station!

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