What does the 5 -day line mean? The stock always says that it will break through the 5th line?

What does the 5 -day line mean? The stock always says that it will break through the 5th line?

4 thoughts on “What does the 5 -day line mean? The stock always says that it will break through the 5th line?”

  1. The 5 -day average, as the name suggests, is the average value of the stock transaction price or index in 5 days, corresponding to the 5 -day moving average (5mA) of the stock price and the 5 -day moving average (5mA) of the index. If the current stock price is above the moving average, it means that it is currently on the rise. Conversely.
    The stocks say that the 5 -day line is exceeded, which means that the price of the stock yesterday was less than the 5th line, and the price of the close today is greater than the 5th line. r n

  2. The 5 -day line is added within 5 days. The price line obtained by 5.
    The stock says that the 5 -day line is exceeded, which means that the price of yesterday's stock is less than the 5th line. 5 -day line. This is called a breakthrough 5 -day line. It is very simple.

  3. The 5 -day line is the connection of the closing price of the first four trading days plus the timely price (closing price)/5 of the day trading day. It is a short -term trend indicator!

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